Agent Toolkit

Direct your clients to your PayMyPremiums solution with our PMP buttons. Perfect for adding to your email signature or website! Below are instructions for adding the PMP Pay Now Button to your email signature and agency website:

Here is the first step to add the PMP Pay Now Button to your email signature or website:

Save the PNG file to your computer by clicking the Download Pay Now Button.

Next steps to use the button in your email

  1. Access your email settings to change your signature block
  2. Above or below your name insert the PNG image (Office signature blocks have an option for this on the right hand side of the toolbar)
  3. Add a hyperlink to the PMP logo that directs to the PMP payment page URL (e.g., link opens in a new tab) Office signature blocks will have a hyperlink option to the right of the insert image option in the toolbar.

Next steps to use the button on your website

  1. Work with the administrator of your website page to have the image integrated on the website
  2. Hyperlinking the image can be done with the same URL above (e.g.

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